Bubble Magus CS200S Protein Skimmer
CS-200S Specifications
In Sump Model
Capability : 800L-1500L(210G-400G)
Pump:SICCE Syncra PSK 1000
Pump power: 21W, 110V 60Hz
Air intake : 990L/H
Dimensions: 12.4″ x 8.6″ x 20.8“
Cylinder: 8 ”
Water Level :9.5″-11″
Capability : 800L-1500L(210G-400G)
Pump:SICCE Syncra PSK 1000
Pump power: 21W, 110V 60Hz
Air intake : 990L/H
Dimensions: 12.4″ x 8.6″ x 20.8“
Cylinder: 8 ”
Water Level :9.5″-11″
Price: $369.99
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