Exact iDip 570 Smart Digital Marine Water Test Kit

Price: 320.99 ea
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The Exact iDip photometer is the perfect test kit for the Marine Aquarium Hobbyist and Marine Aquarium Professional. Using Bluetooth technology, the iDip 570 communicates with your Smart Phone or Tablet devise to test and record all water parameters. Utilizing app technology in both Apple iOS and Android Devices. Available on the Apple App Store or the Google Play store, you can down load the apps for hundreds of water chemistry tests. From Marine, to Fresh Water Aquarium, Pond, Waste Water, Food Industry and Swimming Pool Chemistry.
Easy to use. Fast and Accurate testing. Set up Individual accounts for each aquarium tested. All tests are logged, and archived in an easily accessible and readable database.
The Exact iDip 570 Marine Kit, comes with all the test needed to monitor and test the Marine Aquarium.
Kit Includes the following:
- Exact iDip 570 Photometer
- Sturdy Plastic Storage case for meter and reagents
- Operation Manual and 570 Marine Letter
- Cleaning Brush
- Ammonia Test
- Alkalinity Test(Total)
- Calcium Hardness Test
- Nitrates (NO3) Test
- Phosphates (PO4)Test
- pH Test
- Total Hardness (dKH) Test